Thursday, March 19, 2020

PAANI FARMS 🚩- Adv. Suyog Shah

Yes it is surely possible only at Paani Farms. – Adv. Suyog Chandulal Shah

“The Divine does not do things for you. She gets things done by you.”

Heaven on earth, is it possible to reach it ? Feeling extremely well, without no obvious reason, is it possible? Feeling in love with the whole universe, is it possible? Living a moment of complete happiness, without questions, without past or tomorrow, being totally absorbed by the beauty of this moment, is it possible? I think so. Here you have a list of “little moments” that can bring heaven closer to earth. Create those moments, make them on purpose, hear them, see them, feel them. I have obtained the feelings & positive vibes at “Paani Farms”. 

Heaven is not a far away place you can only reach when you are dead. Heaven is here, right away, now! It is your possibility and your birthright to feel paradise. How can you get in touch with heaven? “Paani Farms” is just 20 kms from Nashik. 
I have shared the Location for your refrence.

Crossing the eyes of your lover, this is heaven on earth. Your child taking you in his little arms and whispering you “Daddy, I love you”, this is heaven on earth. Writing a good article, and wondering were these fluent words came from, this is heaven on earth. Taking a white peace of paper or silk and letting flow out of your hands colors, blending in magnificent landscapes, and wondering where your inspiration came from, this is heaven on earth.Reading a book and wondering how the writer could possibly put so good in words what you have been feeling or experiencing, this is heaven on earth. Hearing a piece of music and feeling how the sounds of the instruments take you away to heavenly dimensions, this is heaven on earth.Closing your eyes, hearing nothing else than your own breath, feeling life flowing through your veins, this is heaven on earth.Coming home after a few days of absence, and your dog is so happy to see you again that he jumps up and down, this is heaven on earth.Coming home late after a reunion, your partner is waiting for you with a glass of wine, asking you how was your evening, this is heaven on earth.Making love with him, being taken away into other dimensions of intensity and happiness, this is heaven on earth.Seeing a extraordinary sunset on an ordinary day, this is heaven on earth. Hearing a friend tell you she got out of her depression thanks to your motivating words and the fact you believed in her, this is heaven on earth.Having your lover whispering in your ear you are the most beautiful woman on earth, this definitly is heaven on earth!
The smell of coffee coming from the kitchen, this is heaven on earth. Your wife taking you in her arms and telling you she has always loved you, this is heaven on earth. Your son looking at both of you with a glance in his eyes and a smile on his lips, without saying a word, this is heaven on earth.Putting ugly bulbs into the wet earth at autumn and seeing nice little flowers spreading their colorful leaves open in spring, this is heaven on earth.Discovering a bunch of birds on your terrace, heavily discussing together, this is heaven on earth.Coming home after work, and hearing your children scream, “Daddy, is this you?” and feeling them jumping on you in the corridor, this is heaven on earth. A long lost friend searching to contact you again, this is heaven on earth.
A dispute being resolved in a win-win fashion, this is heaven on earth. Jumping into the swimming pool a Tuesday afternoon while everybody else is working, this is heaven on earth.

Heaven is all around you, but do you notice it?
Heaven is not somewhere located in the sky. Heaven is not a place where you can eventually go after death, if you lived your life nicely. Heaven is not something you have to earn. Heaven is here. In your eyes, your hands, your body, your mind, your heart. Heaven is an attitude. You can find heaven everywhere. We are on earth to find heaven on earth. We are on earth to create heaven here! When you are in heaven most of the time, you can feel it as a cosmic orgasm. You are in a vibrational high level. 

The door to heaven is open to us at any time we are willing to accept that we are of absolutely no importance. The bars of our own hell - the “mind-forged manacles” as Blake put it - are our attempts to justify ourselves or prove our self-worth. Accept that none of this matters and we can see that heaven is all around us. It is there in a child’s smile, in the rain that waters the earth, even in the maggots that rise in new life from dead meat. All around us is evidence that life and love are eternal and unbroken by strife and suffering.

They are probably the most fortunate people on the planet. Healthy, wealthy, and, thanks to an outstanding education system, wise. They enjoy a life that most can only dream of. 

The most threadbare word in travel would surely be "paradise". But what exactly do people mean when they over-use this descriptor? The simplest manifestation of a traveller's nirvana is a magnificent location. But one person's notion of beauty is another's monochrome. At Paani Farms you can Rejuvenite yourself and your Soul.

Deserts or big-sky plains could be heaven to some, alarmingly unstructured to others. Mountains and forests are one person's spiritual home, another's claustrophobia. Thickly peopled cities, with their weight of history and culture, are the essence of civilisation or its betrayal. Even the ocean and its salty associations, though commonly accepted as the apotheosis of paradise, has its critics.
Paani Farms is more a state of mind – not simply a beautiful place but an emotional condition, a spiritual epiphany, a sense of serendipity or accident of fate where perfection collides – or all of the above. Paradise is highly personal, because it's where you feel happiest. At its most complex, it could be a yearning for something unique, pure and mystical, for perfection in a flawed world. It might relate to our happy childhood places. It could be a counter to the lives we lead – serene or frenetic.

For me, Paani Farms & mountains come close to paradise, and I don't think I'm alone. Since forever, humans – wandering Japanese monks, ancient Greeks, Hindu holy men – have looked to the hills for inspiration, spiritual enlightenment and escape. Then Romantic writers "discovered" the beauty of the formerly terrifying mountains for Europeans in the 18th century, drumming up images of happy goatherds and freedom fighters. Mountains became the subject of poetry and painting, and soon alpine tourism was born. Mountains make my soul sing wherever I might be, but I especially like the contrast of rugged nature and dainty human endeavour you find in the European Alps. Surely paradise must look like this: majestic, muscular peaks coupled with pretty gardens, gingerbread houses and vivid flowerboxes in a yin-yang of scenery.

No place better captures this than Hallstatt in Austria's alpine Salzburgerland, where rearing mountains are pockmarked with lakes of gob-smacking gorgeousness. It provides a scene as ridiculously kitschy as any on a chocolate box. The village sits on the edge of a lake paddled by swans and surrounded by limestone cliffs. The water is so clear you can see fish flit. If I ever get to heaven, it had better look like this.

There's always a fly in the ointment of travel destinations claimed as paradise: tropical diseases, ugly hotels, surly locals, a lack of plumbing. Not in Hallstatt though. Hotels are comfy cosy, cheerful locals flounce about in dirndls, and the only thing you might die of is a surfeit of scenery. Whenever I'm in the mountains, my spirit soars. I turn to them in times of trouble, because worries seem trivial in the face of their eternal rocks. The mountains will be here long after my problems have gone, and I've gone, too. I find this geological perspective liberating. Mountains are for sunny tramps beneath silent snow peaks, hissing waterfalls and pine-scented forest. They provide intervals of beauty and solitude snatched from a crowded, accelerated life of busyness. Travel is supposed to make you feel better, and mountains are my piece of paradise.

The kingdom of God is a metaphor of transformation into more creative, more conscious, more caring, loving and fulfilling life with the fellow beings.
thanks a lot Mr. Paritosh Kohok & Dr. Namita Kohok to host me and my family at Paani Farms to experience the Beauty of Heaven. 

Date – 19/03/2020
Adv. Suyog Chandulal Shah


  1. Thanks suyog for the updates , would like to visuv rhis place soon...

  2. Wonderful place to stay and visit.How do we avail it.Procedure and terrif.
